Renew Your Mind, Body, and Soul this Spring
Spring brings us warmth, light, growth and new beginnings. I use the change of season as a time to renew my mind, body and soul by engaging in self reflection, exploring new opportunities, connecting with nature, decluttering, and creating some positive changes in my life. Here are a few quotes I came across about spring that inspire me and echo these themes.
“Spring brings new growth, weed out the bad and make room for something beautiful.”
“A lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.”
“No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.”
These quotes remind me to appreciate beauty and accept change while acknowledging the challenges that come with growth. Not sure where to start? Read below for some ideas on how to embrace the spring.
5 ways to renew your mind, body, and soul this spring
1. Go outside
This one is pretty obvious, but making it a priority to go outside is very important. Fresh air and sunlight are essential to overall mental wellness. Studies show that spending time in nature can reduce stress hormones, lower blood pressure, and increase feelings of happiness. The spring is ideal for walks, picnics, and connecting with nature. While you are outside, try and take notice of all the changes around you. Use your five senses to see the colors of spring, hear birds chirping, feel the warmth of the sun and cool breeze, smell the scent of the new blossoms, and taste the sweet flavors of spring melons and berries. Think about your favorite natural elements of spring and point them out to your family members.
2. Weed out clutter and negative energy
Everyone is familiar with the idea of spring cleaning, but the ritual of getting rid of unnecessary clutter in your life can apply to more than material objects. In addition to donating clothing and unnecessary household items, take time to reevaluate other aspects of your life including your career, relationships and mental/physical health. What is wearing you down and sapping your energy? Can you weed out any toxic relationships, unreasonable expectations, or undue work stress? Try and prioritize what is needed and where you want to invest your time and energy. Release any negative influences that are draining and focus on the things that bring you the most joy.
3. Get moving
Just like animals, humans experience a kind of hibernation in the winter. Due to colder temperatures, we stay indoors and are less mobile. The spring is a great time to shake off your stiff winter body and start exploring movement both indoors and outdoors. Try yoga, hiking, stretching, running, weight lifting, tai chi, sports or dancing. Physical movement releases endorphins that help to boost your mood by decreasing symptoms of depression and anxiety. It can also help improve sleep, increase self-confidence and lower stress. Movement helps us renew our bodies which in turn makes us feel better and gives us more positive physical and mental energy for our day. Stay tuned for my next post, where I will demonstrate specific movement techniques to renew your body.
4. Practice Mindfulness
Have you ever sat in front of the television with a large bag of chips and the next thing you know they are all gone? Or maybe you are driving somewhere and all of a sudden you arrive at your destination but are not really aware of the journey along the way. These are moments of mindlessness, where we are going through the motions of an activity, such as driving or eating but are not staying present.
This spring, try to take a few moments everyday to practice mindfulness, being present in the moment with an intentional awareness of what you are experiencing without judgment. Try to focus specifically on eating the bag of chips for example, or viewing a beautiful sunset. When you notice other thoughts start to creep up like “I am never going to finish all the work for my meeting tomorrow,” bring your attention back to the present moment and give yourself permission to put those thoughts aside. You can also practice mindfulness while listening to music, journaling or drawing. Nourish your soul by quieting the mind and taking a “time out” from everyday stress to be present in the moment, pursue creative endeavors, and appreciate the beauty of spring.
5. Try something new
Spring is about new growth and new life, so in order to fully renew your mind, body, and soul, you have to try something new. We are creatures of habit and thrive on routine and patterns but we are also constantly learning, changing, and evolving. Feed that curious part of yourself and push outside your comfort zone. Attend a new workout class (in person or virtually), cook a challenging recipe, explore an unfamiliar park or neighborhood, or try a new creative medium like painting. The simple act of exploring something new beyond what is familiar, helps us become stronger, more adaptable and more resilient. A new experience helps us reflect on who we are and what we are capable of, and plants seeds for future growth making room for something beautiful.
Enjoy the light, beauty, and warmth of spring and harness the power of new beginnings by connecting with nature, weeding out negative energy, moving your body, practicing mindfulness, and pushing outside your comfort zone.