Video: Square Breathing

Follow the steps below and watch the video to learn a technique called square breathing. You can use this to help you focus, calm your nervous system, and find inner peace.

  1. Practice drawing a square with your finger in the space in front of you.

  2. While raising your finger up to draw one side of the square, count to four and take a deep breath in.

  3. Then move your finger along the top side of the square, holding that breath in for four counts.

  4. Lower your finger down, drawing the next side, and take a deep breath out for four counts.

  5. Complete the last side of the square and hold your breath out, for a count of four, returning to where you started.

  6. Try changing the size of your square by moving your arms high and low.

  7. Think about something that brings you joy and picture that in the middle of the square you are drawing.

  8. Draw the square a few more times and then grab that image and bring it to your heart for a final breath.

Video of square breathing


Video: Snake Breath


Just Breathe