Positive Affirmations for your Mind and Body
Have you ever heard of using the “power pose” before a big interview? The power pose is a strong posture in which you stand tall with your legs spread apart creating a strong base, your hands on your hips, your chest raised and your head and neck slightly elevated. Research shows that after interview candidates assumed this powerful posture, they interviewed better and displayed more confidence. Once they felt strong in their bodies, their thoughts and behaviors reflected this physical sensation. The physical movement helped their brain craft a narrative about who they were and how they were capable, strong, confident, and ready to tackle this new challenge. This is just one of countless examples showing how our bodies can impact our minds.
Let’s look at another example. Imagine that you are lifting weights and trying to lift a heavier weight. Can you imagine trying to lift it while repeating the words “I’m weak, I’m weak?” What do you think will happen? It is very likely that your body will perform weakly and you will not be successful. On the other hand, if you said, “I’m strong, I’m strong,” your brain will send a signal to your muscles and your mind and body will be ready for the challenge.
In the first example, the body posture or power pose, created a change in the mind, which lead to a change in behavior. In the next example, the thought created a change in the body, making the person physically stronger. Sometimes, we can start with just the thought and sometimes, we can embody the movement first to help steer us in the right direction.
Positive thoughts like I’m strong, confident, or capable for example, are also known as affirmations when said as statements out loud. These statements help individuals affirm something positive about themselves, clarify goals, overcome negative self-talk and mitigate stress. Affirmations include statements like “I am strong,” “I am worthy of love,” “I can get through this,” “I am enough” or “Today is going to be a great day.” You can also make an affirmation about something you wish to be true. In the act of making this statement, you are already closer to creating the reality. Essentially, you “fake it till you make it.”
A positive affirmation alone can carry a powerful message to your brain, but when you add a movement to this affirmation, like in the power pose example, you embody the message more fully on a mind-body level. You can also write down the message, which is another physical act your body is taking to internalize the affirmation.
After all the challenges of this past year, we could all use the power of positive affirmations to rewrite our narratives, shift our thinking, and help us move forward. Follow my video to see how it feels to say and move through some positive affirmations. Then come up with your own and encourage your kids and partners to get involved!