Adding Pressure to Get Relief

This video demonstrates a breathing and movement exercise using elements of EFT (emotional freedom technique) which involves tapping on acupressure points. Instead of tapping, I demonstrate how to add gentle pressure to these points while stating positive affirmations aloud to connect our minds and bodies and help us feel calm and refreshed for the day.

For each pressure point, I use a different affirmation, related to that body part. For example, when I place my hands on my head, I state “I am going to have an open mind.” When I cover my eyes, I say “I’m open to new possibilities and going to see new perspectives.” When I place my hands on my collar bone and heart, I say “I care deeply about myself and others.” When I touch my fingertips together, I say “I am focused and will accomplish my goals.”

I chose these statements purposefully to emphasize the power of that body part and to increase intention for how we can access that healing energy. When you say the positive affirmation out loud while tuning into that part of the body, it helps us connect our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations making us more grounded, calm, and self-aware.

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One Year Reflection


Video: EFT Tapping